I have been getting a lot of enquiries via my website for ideas on how to tackle bullying, so I’ve produced a Quick Reference Guide you can download for a few pence.
Some of the questions I’ve received relate to people who think they are being bullied (it’s not always easy to be sure), and some are from managers who are worried about possible complaints about bullying.
An increase in accusations of bullying has been predicted for some months now as a result of the inevitable pressures and side-effects of what has been widely termed ‘the crunch’. The enquiries I’ve been getting are often from worried managers who need to ensure that their staff remain productive – euphemistically called ‘performance management’ – concerned that they might be or have been accused of bullying. Another group is the people on the receiving end of behaviour they find unaccaptable and have labelled bullying.
Difficulties arise for these main reasons:

  • There is confusion about what ‘bullying’ actually is, so the term is often used inappropriately
  • Accusations of bullying often produce a knee-jerk reaction on the part of employers
  • Managers are frightened of being accused
  • Organisations often have only one response to accusations; take out a grieveance.
  • These factors conspire to create difficulties for both accuser and accused, even before the complaint gets dealt with.

I have now updated my shopping cart on my website to provide digital downloads, and if you are concerned about bullying or need to be more aware in an at-a-glance kind of way, can download this handy guide now.

I have distributed hundreds of these guides already. I’ve now revised and improved it, and this updated three pager has to be good value considering the information I have packed into it. What’s more, for a limited period it’ll cost just 79p! The same as a music download from another popular site.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

I’m a psychologist, coach, and therapist. All my work is aimed at enabling people to improve personal aspects of their lives and work.
