You Don’t Have to Be Lost to Ask for Help: It’s a Sign of Strength
Knowing when to ask for help or guidance is not the same as actually doing it. There is no shame in either, and people often struggle alone when help is at hand, if they just ask.
Don’t Think You’re Qualified to Help Others? Take This Quiz
When it comes to helping someone in crisis, there is a lot you can do that doesn't need expert help. We are all qualified to act like human beings.
Being Authentic Means Being Yourself, Honestly
In a world that is constantly making demands on us, where we urged to fit in. Our expectations and those of others can lead us to shape an image of ourselves that doesn't reflect who we truly are.
How to Stop Arguing – You Have Control with these Steps
When you feel as if you have to win the argument, or you are competing with each other to be heard, you are already heading for a dead end. Break the habit. Learn to listen effectively and do yourself and your relationship a huge favour.
How Can You End a Conflict?
When you are in the midst of a dispute, it may seem that it's not possible to end a conflict, but it is. Sure, it requires a change in mindset, a shift in thinking away from the emotions that drive us to fight, but it is achievable.
Developing a Growth Mindset is Possible, and a Wise Choice
Carol Dweck researches 'growth mindset' — the idea that we can grow our brain's capacity to learn and to solve problems. This video explains.
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