If you are doing something to change yourself – self-improvement or learning new skills – you might find it frustrating to be waiting for the change to happen. It can be quite daunting and demoralising when you just don’t seem to be getting to where you want to be.
You probably have something about yourself you’d like to change, most people do. Quite often too, some say there’s something about another person they’d like to change, but that’s another story.
When you want to change yourself, it’s important to realise that personal patterns take time to change. It is more encouraging to focus on the small, progressive steps towards the change you seek, than it is to constantly measure the distance you have yet to travel.
Lamenting your lack of progress can become a pattern in itself, to a point where you abandon the goal altogether. Once you know your intended destination, keep it in the back of your mind, but focus each day on the steps you are taking… in the right direction.