A Workplace Webinar
Feedback is often confused with criticism. The word criticism invariably carries negative connotations. It’s close relative, constructive criticism – though it may be well intentioned – is often simply used as a covert way of doing the same thing; telling somebody else about their ‘faults’ (in the view of the speaker of course).
Criticism has an impact on feelings that makes it difficult for the hearer to react positively. It tends to provoke defensiveness whereas appropriate feedback invites them into a discussion about potential and opportunity. Feedback is framed in such a way that it engages the hearer’s attention and involves them in the discussion about change that would be beneficial. It can strengthen relationships and create an opportunity for everyone’s to learn and develop.
Traditionally, managers have been encouraged to use ‘constructive criticism’ to bring out the best in employees. Received wisdom says that this is the best way to improve performance. They have been guided by a plethora of advice on hows to give feedback to their reports ‘uncritically’. But still, so often, the people who are supposed to benefit from this feedback, leave feeling uncertain, unclear and upset. This webinar explains how to avoid well-intended feedback from falling into this trap.
There are better ways to help employees improve and grow.
Experience is the best teacher. Anyone fortunate enough to have been managed by someone who really knew what they were doing when they gave feedback will be able to incorporate that into their own management style. But most have never had that experience.
This webinar is a chance to correct that. Barry Winbolt serial entrepreneur and consultant with 40 years’ management experience. With his insights and guidance you can develop your feedback skills to avoid the common pitfalls and misunderstandings.
- Setting the scene for constructive conversations
- Creating collaborative dialogue
- Why feedback so often fails
- The importance of equality of voice
- Guidelines for effective feedback
- How to avoid ‘bombarding’ the recipient
- 11 points to aim for, 11 to avoid
- Agreeing a plan for effective follow-up.
Understand why feedback often fails
Learn ways to validate and reframe ‘failures’
How to appear and sound sincere and authentic
How to avoid sounding critical while getting your message across.
Contact me to enquire about providing this webinar for your organisation.