Here are two ideas that may be useful as you go about your daily business.

  1. It’s always easier and more productive to find out what works and do more of it. Rather than worrying about a habit or routine that you are struggling with, examine the things that you do right in your life. Doing more of them is easier and more affirming than admonishing yourself for setbacks or failings. It also helps to make you more resilient.
  2. It’s easier to move towards something you want than it is to flee something you don’t want. For example, want to become a vegetarian or to stop shouting at your spouse? Then rather than stopping something (eating meat, shouting), move towards what you want by creating an appealing non-meat menu or an image of the (non-shoutey) person you’d rather be.
If you want to change something its takes less effort and is likely to be more rewarding if you build on your existing strengths, and move towards your goals.

I’m a psychologist, coach, and therapist. All my work is aimed at enabling people to improve personal aspects of their lives and work.


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