Open to possibilities

There are an in an infinite number of possibilities, just waiting to be discovered.

Possibilities exist independently of us, you might say. You could also say that they don’t exist, because ‘possibility’ is an abstract term, a concept, and not a thing. But we still talk about possibilities as though they are real, let’s stick to that for a moment.

In this context, I’m using ‘possibility’ to mean chance, option, idea, course of action, outcome…. Someone once said “there are always more solutions than there are problems”, and I think it’s the same with possibilities.

I’m not talking about a Pollyannerish belief that everything will be OK. That sort of optimism is alright in its place, but what if things turn out not-OK? I’m talking about a state of mind where you don’t prejudge a situation by deciding that there are no possibilities or that they are limited. Whether you accept it or not, the possibilities are limitless. They are there, but they only reveal themselves when you accept that.

There is no way of knowing in advance what all the possibilities are, so I’m not suggesting that you can make a list then choose the possibility that suits you. It’s more a question of belief.

If you have faith that possibilities exist in abundance, it’s a reassuring frame of mind. You can’t look for something you don’t believe in, but keep your mind open to possibilities and belief will follow.

I’m a psychologist, coach, and therapist. All my work is aimed at enabling people to improve personal aspects of their lives and work.


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