The library-like calm of the Winbolt laboratories has been disturbed lately by an eager buzz of anticipation. Recent months have been spent beavering away on an entire range of new ideas and solutions for tackling the day-to-day challenges of life, and we are near the moment when all will be revealed.
What’s new?
When the covers come off you’ll see a bright new website, but that’s just the wrapping. Inside you’ll find a pioneering set of self-help and learning modules; online courses, freebies and special offers. There’s more, but mere words are too dull for the job I’d have them do here. As is so often the case with daring and originality, we left are struggling to find superlatives that will do justice to the original splendour of our creations.
If your mission in life is self-discovery then you are going to be regaled and delighted; if you are turned on by new ideas and ways of applying them then look no further. If you couldn’t give a fig for your inner life and self-improvement, we have thought of you too so come along and see.
It’s buzzing!
You can see why things have been buzzing at our place, I guess by now you’re pretty excited too! Hang on a little bit longer and you’ll soon be able to access all the goodies.
In the meantime, you can sign up for my newsletter and immediately download a free sample of one of my new products.
Stay in touch, see you soon.
See also
What is Personal Development and Why Make a Plan?
The Value of Continuing Professional Development