solution-focused thinking

Change happens all the time, but we often miss it. Miracles are less common, but that doesn’t mean that miraculous things can’t happen.

One of those common errors of thinking that there’s a relationship that’s easy to imagine but actually incorrect: In order for dramatic change to take place, a miracle has to happen.

Perhaps its true that miracles almost never happen, but miraculous things certainly do. This is especially true where change in our personal situation is concerned.

Spontaneous change is all around us but we often miss what we say we are looking for because we have been programmed to believe that we are stuck with what we’ve got. If we look for constancy and unchangingness then, of course, we’ll find it.

On the other hand, asking ourselves “How is this different from…?” or “What positive changes have happened since I last thought about this…?” can yield surprising answers.


I’m a psychologist, coach, and therapist. All my work is aimed at enabling people to improve personal aspects of their lives and work.
