life struggles, negativity at work threatens resilience

Negativity at work threatens resilience. Even if you are not directly involved in it, gossip and nay-saying can sap your morale and threaten your best efforts.

At work, conformity and groupthink can produce unquestioned habits and responses when people are under pressure. This often results in negative beliefs and behaviour which can undermine your resilience.

Here’s why

How we handle ourselves and our outlook on life affects how we respond to challenge, demand and pressure. (These are the current obsessions about resilience at work). Buying into negativity at work lowers morale. It also makes it harder for you to take initiative and give your best to what you do.

Undeniably, gossip and rumour-mongering which is an inevitable part of unhappiness at work.  Just listening is tiring in itself; it takes mental energy as you try to balance fact and fiction. It only takes one or two people to start it, but anyone who listens is tacitly participating and adding to the negative momentum.

Stand back

Becoming more resilient to cope with work pressure and demand requires a shift in thinking and behaviour. It’s a personal quest, if you like, to become emotionally and psychologically fitter in order to better cope with demand. So a resilient outlook means taking an interest in ourselves and our potential.

Therefore, the first step in boosting your personal resilience is to distance yourself from the sort of negative attitudes which people can ao easily fall into at work. It may be a natural defence to moan about circumstances, but it is pernicious and it drains morale.

Survival keys

Negativity at work threatens resilience, so here’s my post on the key set of attitudes and behaviour which can help you survive and flourish even if you are surrounded by doom and gloom. Having the presence of mind to be your own person, by refusing to conform to negativity, also feeds your self-confidence. This, in turn, aids resilience.

I’m a psychologist, coach, and therapist. All my work is aimed at enabling people to improve personal aspects of their lives and work.


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