Popular Workshop and Webinars

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Popular Workshop and Webinars2025-02-02T18:32:41+00:00

Welcome to my selected of webinars and workshops, designed to empower individuals, groups, and organisations and meet staff development needs. Drawing from over 30 years of experience as a psychologist, trainer, and coach, I offer practical strategies to enhance personal and professional development. Whether you’re looking to improve communication skills, manage stress, or foster a positive workplace culture, you’ll find a session tailored to your needs. Explore the topics below to discover how these sessions can help improve performance, resilience, and harmony.

In most cases these topics can be presented either online or in person, depending on your organisations resources and needs. In a few cases, where indicated, I recommend face to face training rather than online to enable interaction and developmental exercises. Contact me here to arrange a discussion.

Stress Awareness and Avoiding Burnout

Staff are increasingly expected to work under pressure. Changing roles, extra demands, job uncertainty and a variety of other factors mean that employees must be supported if they are to remain effective in their work. This webinar can help head off confusion and hopelessness and deal with the stressors that can result in absenteeism and poor performance. The session provides awareness and skills to enable better self management in the face of common workplace stressors.

How to Protect and Boost Mental Wellbeing at Work

Mental wellbeing doesn't come about by accident, and the world we have created can easily threaten the balance we rely on to stay resilient and healthy. This webinar can help you bolster your mental wellbeing, identify the things that threaten it, and protect yourself with simple, daily practices to help you look after your mental wellbeing. 

Bullying and Harassment – Awareness for Managers and Supervisors

This event provides a sound framework for managers responsible for staff. It has been designed to help them understand and recognise the dynamics of bullying, and to respond constructively. The pressure of dealing with the emotive topic of ‘bullying' can be daunting. Balancing personal feelings, ensuring that cultural and social differences are respected, ensuring organisational interests are protected, and acting within the law, can be challenging. In this webinar participants learn how to handle these situations with confidence, and to more easily identify and respond to bullying behaviour.

Developing Personal Resilience for Better Performance Under Pressure

Resilience refers to the robustness in individuals, teams and organisations that enables them to perform consistently in times of unexpected or high demand. The ability to ‘bounce back’ ensures continuity and gives a critical strategic advantage to the business, but also helps protects the individuals it employs. 

Work-Life Balance, Getting it Right

In the fast-paced and demanding world of work, it's easy to become consumed by our professional obligations, leaving little room for personal time and rejuvenation. But, striking a balance between work and personal life is crucial for our overall well-being and productivity. This event provides some stimulating ideas to jolt you out of your complacency and help you improve your work-life balance. It explains the habits that help balance what you can achieve at work with the demands and pleasures of private life. It provides ideas and strategies that can...

How to Flourish in Times of Uncertainty

Recent times have been tough for many people. Many have felt at the mercy of events, unable to control life and work, and forced to abruptly halt so many of the things we all rely on to stay fit, healthy and motivated. Quite naturally, we all want to feel better. But, rather than leaving it to chance, it's time to actively participate in life in ways that will enable you to flourish. It's not about just getting back to normal; take a few purposeful steps and you'll give yourself a...


To help you excel, my eBooks and free Downloads are practical guides to help you improve specific aspects of your life. I’m always here if you need backup, just contact me.


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