Today saw my 101st post on on (this in number 102). Since I launched this blog on 8th September subscriber numbers have steadily grown, and it has started a few tributary conversations.

Thanks to everyone who has shown interest and given me encouragement by re-tweeting or re-posting my items. I’ll keep them coming and there will be more free add-ons coming for subscribers to my blog, in the next couple of months.

More news on these later. I’ll just say that they’ll be practical, useful, exclusive, and free to subscribers, so stay with it and encourage others to do the same. My aim is simply to reach as many people as possible and touch them in some way.

I’ll keep you posted as events unfold, in the meantime, I hope this blog continue to interest, inform, arouse, prompt, inspire, jiggle, shake up, trouble, entertain…or whatever, you.


I’m a psychologist, coach, and therapist. All my work is aimed at enabling people to improve personal aspects of their lives and work.
