I was thinking about the friend I wrote about recently who said “I’ve been holding it together, I don’t know how, but I have.”
Probably because I was also thinking about glue, I made a link in my mind; the link was ‘self-adhesive’.
Self adhesive is invaluable and we should all keep some handy. It’s useful, for example, when you need to repair something in yourself, or to keep the pieces from falling apart.
I’m sure there are other uses too. Times when we could all use a little restoration or repair. And if you know anything about restoration you’ll know that skilful repairs can be almost impossible to detect.
In fact, some restored artefacts are stronger than the original.
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Reminds me of Hemingway’s statement along the lines: the world breaks all of us in the end, but some of us are stronger in the broken places.”
Thank you, I’d not heard that.