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How to Bounce Back – Protecting Yourself from the Gloom.

Despite the gloom and the pressures individuals can do something for themselves. Survival at work – or anywhere else for that matter – relies on personal attributes like the ability to self-manage and to find a sense of purpose out of apparent chaos and disorder.

By |2024-09-08T15:55:06+00:00September 8th, 2024|Resilience|0 Comments

Responding to Difficult Behaviour – Four Things to Know

If you feel underpowered when responding to difficult behaviour, you are not alone. Most of us make some common mistakes. These four points are a game-changer.

By |2023-05-07T05:58:11+00:00February 24th, 2023|Relationships|Comments Off on Responding to Difficult Behaviour – Four Things to Know

You Can Change the Way You Feel

Attributing our moods, feelings or even our (lack of) of self-esteem to the judgements of others or events outside ourselves is a handy delusion which is useful as a buffer. It protects us for a time and satisfies the common need to blame when things go wrong. But it is no solution to feeling unhappy or upset, and the more we do it the more our feelings seem to control us. It is realtively easy to learn to control our feelings, but you may not like it enough to do...

By |2022-10-18T19:30:32+00:00October 18th, 2022|Emotional Intelligence|0 Comments

On Becoming the Person You’d Like To Be

Most of us have something about ourselves that we'd like to change or improve on. Having a clear idea of where you'd like to end up is more important than worrying how you'll get there. But the vision needs to be more than just vague and wooly aspirations like "To be happier", or "To be comfortable in life". Sensible though such hankerings are, they don't contain enough detail to guide you.

By |2019-11-17T15:16:42+00:00November 17th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments


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