Whenever something draws to a close, something new must begin. Reflect on this and you’ll run the risk of getting caught up in deep philosophical debate, the sort that rumbles on and has no tidy end to it.
The reason I bring it up at all is that today is the last day of June 2015. June 2015 won’t happen again and so today is the end of something. As I’m writing this ahead of the date, I have no idea about most of what will happen today, but that isn’t the point here.
If an end to something also offers the potential of new beginnings, then we can use seemingly inconsequential markers (like the end of a month), to prompt reflection in ourselves. How we do this is an entirely personal matter, so there’s no tidy end to this post either.
I’m just giving you – in the jargon of the workplace – a ‘heads up’ about a possible opportunity.
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Yes, Barry – another reminder of the bleeding obvious. But, isn’t that always the case with wisdom? If only wisdom were like knowledge we could learn and retain instead of always having to be reminded.
Your blog today happens to have coincided with my own little thought that struck me while weeding my garden (not the metaphorical one of Candide referred to in an earlier response) but the actual garden. For various reasons, the beginning of July often brings a sense of ‘phew, that’s all over’ and ‘now to get on with what’s been in the back burner for months’ triggering another period of what I like to believe to be the most creative which, oddly, also coincides with long periods of doing very little.
Now I will be able to finish, tidy up, file and organise life into exactly how it should be…
I was reminded of the Dhali Lama’s pity observations: “There are only two days a year when you cannot do anything: one is called yesterday, the other is called tomorrow; so today is the right day to love, believe, do and, mainly, live.” However, I am still unsure of the spelling of his title.
Also, The Sermon on the Mount has it sussed too: Do not worry about the morrow for the morrow will take care of itself… and, once more, my memory fails me but the gist is about right, I think