If you are fortunate enough to be the sort of person that others turn to for help and advice, it’s also important to know how to protect yourself, if you don’t want to get stressed and burn out.

It’s great to be popular, or to have a skill that draws others to you, but the down-side is that you can find that demand exceeds supply. If you are one of lives ‘givers’ you’ll find plenty of ’takers’, but be careful not to allow your batteries to run dry.

Giving to others takes a lot of emotional energy and being pulled in several directions at once drains us physically as well. To be effective, we have to be selective about where we put our energies.

If you are tempted to give to all who ask (and even some who don’t), think before you say ‘Yes’. Otherwise you run the risk of simply going through the motions by being there, but not really being present.

Being selective means sometimes saying ’No’, to ourselves as well as to others.

See also:

Just Because You Can…

I’m a psychologist, coach, and therapist. All my work is aimed at enabling people to improve personal aspects of their lives and work.
