Healing is as old as our species and whether the experts agree or not much of what happens in the healing process is due to common characteristics – biological, psychological and sociological – that have been recorded throughout history. Science, study and ‘experteeism’ came after that. Though vitally important they should not be confused with, or get in the way of, the healing relationship and the opportunities that it presents.

Many of the so-called health systems we have put in place manage unintentionally to obstruct the healing process and seriously impair the quality of life of service users, clients and patients. This increasingly the case in an age where a ‘tick-box mentality’ prevails and carers and other professionals become ever more focused on the processes which neglect the interpersonal and spiritual aspects of caring.


I’m a psychologist, coach, and therapist. All my work is aimed at enabling people to improve personal aspects of their lives and work.
