However plausible it seems a theory is still a theory. It becomes ‘truth’ (though that’s a risky concept too) when it s proven, at which point it becomes something else.
Some people hold their theories as “fundamental truths”, and they’ll tell you something is this way or that way, or that something exists, with unswerving conviction. Their devotion to an idea is laudable, but is’s still a theory.
It’s possible to embrace a theory with such ardour that one is unable to see other possibilities. Although it’s not alone in having done this, psychology has – or more accurately, some of the people who work in psychology have – been guilty of it. Mistakes with serious consequences have been made because of strongly held beliefs that were built on untested theories which later were proved to be wrong.
When something ‘fits’ the chances are that it provides an explanation which will prove to be true. But don’t jump the gun by promoting the theory to the rank of truth. It may not be as comfortable, but learning to live with uncertainty a little longer can help you see further in the end.
But then, this is just a theory, I could be wrong!