Difficult behaviour doesn’t have to be tolerated, it can be changed. But that won’t happen if you ignore it, put up with it or just complain. It’s hard to see the way forward when dealing with someone who is persistently awkward, obstructive or challenging, so we often don’t try. This is a mistake; the solution is often much easier than people imagine, but you have to know how to go about it.
I’ve been advising people on how to deal with dealing with difficult behaviour for 30 years. The answer can be as simple as a slight shift in one’s own attitude. Or, it might take a more calculated approach. Either way, almost all situations can be changed for the better, and many dramatically improved. If you know how.
My new e-book
I have just republished Difficult People; How to Handle Difficult Behaviour as an e-book. It’s on Kindle. It has all the acclaimed content of the original, with the added convenience that you can carry it with you on your phone, tablet or laptop. You’ll have dozens of hints, strategies and techniques for dealing with difficult behaviour, at your fingertips, 24/7.
Professional, private, anywhere
Go to Kindle.