I’m no gardener, but…. (Don’t you just love it when people say things like that? They announce their lack of qualifications for the opinion they are about to give, and then make some sweeping statement and expect it to be taken seriously).
Anyway, limited though my gardening experience is, I have noticed that those who are successful at it spend a lot of their time doing weeding and other un-glamorous jobs. I have heard that they even attend to the quality of the earth they are planting in, feeding and nurturing the substrate.
I envy their knowledge and their commitment. Good gardeners know the importance of preparing the medium and looking after the environment that they expect to produce growth and bounty.
How many other areas of our lives and the lives of our communities does that also apply to?
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‘Cela est bien dit,…mais il faut cultiver notre jardin’ (Candide, Voltaire)
C’est vrai!
Exacte – mais nous avons besoin les instruments aussi pour notre travail dans la terre et la boue.