There are two types of people in the world, I’ve been told; those that can eat a bar of chocolate one piece at a time, and those who don’t even bother trying. The latter group have no brakes, and ‘sharing’ isn’t in their vocabulary (should that be vocadbury?*).
There are two types when it comes to pretty well anything, I guess. I could give you a list of suggestions, but you can work it out for yourself (unless you are the type that likes always to be given a list).
Either, Or
“Psychoactive constituents of chocolate that trigger a ‘feel-good’ reaction for the consumer include tryptophan and phenylethylamine, which may contribute to cravings and addiction-like responses, particularly in people with specific genetic alleles.”
Despite our need to categorise things though, most of us don’t like to be categorised, at least, not by others. We’ll do it to ourselves, but our self-applied categories can be disregarded because they are so wildly inaccurate. When other people put is in boxes we can be rebellious and unpredictable (though market research is built on another premise).
The two types I’m thinking of today are those who know they are on a personal journey, and those who don’t. I’ve often thought that it would have been easier had I not chosen to embark on a quest of personal discovery all those years ago, but then I realised that I never chose it, it chose me (dare I say it re-quested that I come along).
Self-awareness may not be entirely a choice we make ourselves, but it is a choice to stick at it. It is never going to be complete – even though we can delude ourselves about how well we are doing – and at times it can be extremely arduous. No amount of chocolate can ease the pain.
* This may only work in the UK.