Do you ever feel in need of a break, to take time to step back and think about where your life is taking you?
Whether through work or personal circumstances we all hit moments when we feel that we could benefit from a little space to relax and reflect. I would go so far as to say that we all need the opportunity sometimes.
Furthermore, it is now evident from studies into resilience that the people who fare best under pressure – they recover more quickly and are better motivated in the face of a crisis – are those who have a clear sense of purpose in life.
Living with purpose, where we do the things that are important to us and because they have meaning for us, contributes to a sense of fulfilment, which in turn results in greater personal satisfaction.
How can you do this? One way is to take time out regularly to think and plan, but often we think we are too busy, so…
I have created personal development workshops and retreats under the banner of Inner Landscapes. I’m running the first of these, a one-day reflective pause entitled Find Your Bearings; Reorient Your Life, in East Sussex on 22nd August.
Come and join us. Be part of this inaugural event and you’ll be doing something ground-breaking and new, and you’ll discover new things (or re-discover some things you thought you’d lost), about yourself.
You can book on the website by using the links above, or go straight to Eventbrite, and download your ticket imediately. Hurry, and you save money too; Reorient Your Life costs just £80.00 if you book by the 10th of August.
Hope to see you there!