Wellbeing simply means feeling good and functioning well. It is one of the strongest predictors of life satisfaction, health and prosperity.
This may be a rather abstract concept because it is difficult to pin down and intensely personal. No single recipe or definition fits everyone. Break it down though and it becomes more manageable. We can strive for physical wellbeing, learn about emotional wellbeing, attend to our relationships, do what we can to ensure material security and wellbeing…
There are few aspects of life that we can control, but we can do a lot about our own contribution to our general state of wellness. It is part of a constellation of factors that include meaning and purpose. When these are brought together we are more likely to experience personal satisfaction, a sense of fulfilment, even happiness.
Wellbeing is as much about outlook as it is about objective health or money in the bank. We have unfettered control over our outlook, our take on life, and how we navigate its tragedies and triumphs.
Making conscious choices about wellbeing generates satisfaction, it’s not the other way round.
See also
Martin Seligman on Authentic Happiness.