thee law of attraction

I have often heard people mention The Law of Attraction. As I understood it (I thought), it was something to do with Quantum physics. Having watched this video, I realise that I’m not well informed enough to understand it.

But then, since when did not understanding something prevent it from working? I don’t understand how the fridge works, but it keeps the food cold.

The main thing – it seems to me – is that I don’t judge the fridge, I just make use of it.

The YouTube blurb says:

“Bob Proctor explains the law of vibration and how it is directly tied to the law of attraction. Whatever vibration you are in is what you are attracting into your life. Do you want different results in life? Then you have to change your vibration. How do you do that? Let Bob give you a brief overview in this video. I loved this so much that I had to share it. Attraction and vibration are real and laws in life. You can learn and use these laws to your advantage or deny they exist and float through life with little to no control. What do you really want? Do you know? Have you let all the big dreams you had as a kid slip away? Why? What if there is a way to still achieve those dreams in life? Sounds to good to be true right? If it sounds to good, then it probably is. Is this saying always true? I have found that it is most of the time, but not all. This IS real. After being introduced to Bob’s works you can no longer go through life and say you never had a chance at something better. I can say this because I took the chance even though I had failed so many times at so many different courses and businesses. There is no “probably” with Bob. He is the best I have ever seen or been around. He is real and cares about you and I. Watch this video a few times and really take in what he is sharing.”

I’m a psychologist, coach, and therapist. All my work is aimed at enabling people to improve personal aspects of their lives and work.


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