Making something a habit means that it is more likely to get done. Habits stick, where simply planning or intending to do something doesn’t necessarily get results, or guarantee that we’ll remember to do it.
You’ll struggle less with motivation and do away with those self-critical thoughts that start “I should have…”, because you “Will have…”. Habits are hard to break, right? So questions of willpower become a thing of the past.
When you make something automatic, like brushing your teeth or feeding the cat, there is less decision-making involved. No deliberation is needed, no “Shall I, shan’t I” and no time and effort wasted in beating yourself up because “I didn’t!”
This also reduces stress, because routines are comfortable and we get into them without making comparisons or pining for something we’d like to do but didn’t.
So start today. Pick something you’d like to do better or do more reliably and start a new habit. You’ll soon see a difference.