A an eager young man went to a martial arts teacher and asked how long it would take him to become proficient in the system. He explained enthusiastically that he was already devoted to the discipline and was ready. “How long would it take?” he asked. The teacher replied: “Ten years.”
The student was impatient and not satisfied with the answer. “But I want to learn it faster than that, I’ll will work hard, I’ll practice all day every day if necessary. How long would it take me then?”
“Twenty years”, replied the teacher.

I’m a psychologist, coach, and therapist. All my work is aimed at enabling people to improve personal aspects of their lives and work.
"Train your mind to look for your successes. They are happening all the time, you just have to look for them."
"We only develop greater resilience when we are deeply emotionally connected to other people."
"If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right".
"Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should, nor that you have to".
"Simplify your life and work to be content. That will create the space for you to notice the joy. It's always there if you look."
“Personal Change Begins In The Imagination. You Have To Imagine It Before You Can Become It, Whatever ‘It’ Is”