Caring for the Carer and Avoiding Compassion Fatigue
Caring for a dependent relative can be demanding. Managing the day-to-day demands of the two roles and dealing with the necessary concerns for the health and wellbeing of the person being cared for can take a lot of effort and energy. But the carer’s own needs should not be neglected.
In the Aftermath of a Traumatic Event – Supporting Yourself and Others
Dealing with Traumatic Events is a webinar that helps attendees understand the effects of trauma, how can occur, and what to do to support others who may be affected by a traumatic event.
Dealing with Personal Change and Managing Challenging Times
In Dealing with Change and Managing Challenging Times, participants look at ways to deal with periods of transition, the benefits of change, their attitudes and approaches to change, and how to maintain consistent performance while living and working through challenging times.
Creating the Life You Want – Goal Setting in Life and Career
A feeling of fulfilment derives from having a sense of both purpose and meaning. Setting goals is vital, but they must fit within an overall purpose, to give direction.
Building and Maintaining Healthy Workplace Relationships
In the workplace, it is essential that we listen to and respect the opinions of those around us. It is also important to voice our own views with confidence and honesty, especially if they are different from those of our colleagues
Understanding and Coping with Loss and Bereavement
Feelings of loss do not only occur in obvious cases of bereavement. Many people experience loss in other situations as well - such as divorce, job loss and even moving home.
Time Management – Understand the ‘Why’ and Gain Mastery Over Your Schedules
How do you expand time to fit the workload? Time Management is a popular session that focuses on practical solutions for exploring the rhythm of your day.
How to Protect and Boost Mental Wellbeing at Work
Mental wellbeing doesn't come about by accident, and the world we have created can easily threaten the balance we rely on to stay resilient and healthy. This webinar can help you bolster your mental wellbeing, identify the things that threaten it, and protect yourself with simple, daily practices to help you look after your mental wellbeing.
Handling Organisational Change and Transition
Participants will learn how to effectively ensure continued high performance from their employees and teams during times of change and uncertainty while still demonstrating an understanding of theimapce of change and empathy for individuals and their emotional wellbeing, as well as on the overall morale of the team.
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Barry Winbolts’ podcast
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