Emotional Intelligence is a defining quality in people who do well in their domain. It is the cornerstone of resilience, self-awareness, and managing emotions. And it’s a key indicator in effective parenting, personal wellbeing, and professional success.
This webinar will describe the five elements of Emotional Intelligence in real-life situations and tell you how to further develop them in yourself. It will also tell you how to use them to build your confidence and capability. You’ll be provided with links to tools for evaluating your strengths and exercises to develop them further.
Why foster these skills?
Emotional Intelligence is backed up by a huge body of research which shows that these skills can help you:
Get on better with others
Communicate more effectively
Manage yourself with confidence
Make better decisions
Handle stress and pressure
Motivate yourself
Resolve conflicts
Reduce anxiety
Interact with others more effectively.
Webinar Content
- What is Emotional Intelligence and why does it matter?
- How Emotional Intelligence (EI) helps with pressure and stress
- The Five Pillars of Emotional Intelligence
- The social advantages of Emotional Intelligence
- How EI helps with career and success
- Developing the habits of EI
- Self-Monitoring and Positive Change.
Understand and apply the principles of EI in both personal and professional life
Greater control over your emotional responses
More resilient responses to challenges, stress, pressure and high demand
The knowledge to mentor or coach others towards greater Emotional Intelligence.